This podcast is the audio branch of Karuna Sangha.
Karuna is commonly translated to mean compassion or actions that are taken to diminish the suffering of others and one’s self.
A sangha, put simply, is a community of friends focused on awareness, attention, presence, and the present moment.
By doing so the Sangha works together to achieve, patience, self-control, reason, forgiveness, sanctity, honesty, truthfulness, knowledge, control of the senses, and an absence of anger.
In other words, a community grounded in compassion, and the collective effort to seek the knowledge of self-realization and embody our true nature that is often concealed by the ego.
We seek this knowledge by studying and implementing the teachings and philosophies of the many Buddhist branches and their practices.
We welcome all spiritual practitioners regardless of race, sex, sexuality, political affiliation, religious beliefs, etc. You’ll always be welcome, respected and appreciated.
The ideas in this podcast are meant to highlight ways in which we can utilize the dharma in different aspects of our lives so that we may reduce our suffering and find contentment as often as possible.
Latest Episodes
Implementing Right Intention To Develop Healthier Relationships
In this episode I cover right intention and how we can apply this teaching to benefit our relationships. We go over the lessons of renunciation, intentions of good wil...

Implementing Right Understanding To Develop Healthier Relationships
In this episode I talk about ways in which we can implement right understanding to develop healthier relationships in our lives. I also cover mindfulness practices, wh...